Department of Agricultural Engineering
Faculty of Agricultural Technology
In response to local and regional demand for education and professional training, we offered specialization namely: Agricultural Engineering (AE). Students are trained to develop, adopt and disseminate knowledge and technologies that focus on the utilization and management of biological and agricultural systems and natural resources. The AE places its emphasis on sustainable agricultural development based on a holistic understanding of agronomic , biophysical production, and Food Engineering factors, from the perspective of producer and the effects of economic and social forces on agricultural enterprises. It highlights the application of biological sciences, engineering, socio-economic policies and programs, and support services to agriculture to increase the efficiency of agricultural production systems through availability and efficient use of inputs and management of natural resources. Fieldwork and practical exercises have been inseparable from agricultural curricula at AE. At AE, we strive to comply with up-to-date methodologies and practices while making the best use of available resources. Through its professional linkages formal or informal, with private and public sectors, AE has been efficiently handling quality research activities.
News Releases
Webinar: Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Roles on World's Food Security
University of Jember is one of Top Indonesian Universities accredited with A by National Accreditation Board. As one of the leading Higher Education Institution, our university strives to improve a sustainable and highly qualified education. In this regard, the International Office is carrying out internationalization program by organizing Series of Online Guest Lectures via Zoom Meeting for several study programs. The programs wil be held on 5-6th october 2020
The guest lecture for this event are:
Prof. Rajendra P. Shrestha, PhD (Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand)
5th October 2020 , 1-4PM (GMT+7)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eiji Morimoto (Tottori University, Japan)
6th October 2020, 9-12AM (GMT+7)
Uji Kompetensi Fasilitator Pertanian Organik Tanaman
Kegiatan Uji Kompetensi Fasilitator Pertanian Organik Tanaman dilaksanakan dari tgl 14-20 September 2020. Pembukaan dihadiri oleh Bpk Agus Yulianto dari LSPPO Jakarta dan ditutup oleh Dekan Faperta. Jumlah peserta sekitar 200 mhs. Kegiatan dilaksanakan mengikuti protokol kesehatan dgn jumlah peserta uji lebih kurang 40 orang per hari yg dibagi dalam 4 kelas. Peserta melaksanakan ujian tulis dan ujian praktek dgn mendemonstrasikan cara pembuatan pupuk organik dan pestisida nabati. Adapun peserta pelatihan yang lulus uji kompetensi adalah sebagai berikut ... (view more)
Pengenalan Dosen dan Staf Teknik Pertanian serta Mahasiswa Baru 2020 secara Daring
Hari ini 17 september 2020 merupakan hari yang istimewa bagi Jurusan Teknik Pertanian Universitas Jember. Tidak seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, pertemuan kali ini dilaksanakan secara daring melalui media teleconference. Tujuan pertemuan ini dalam rangka pengenalan Dosen dan staf kepada mahasiswa baru angkatan 2020. Ketua Jurusan Teknik Pertanian berharap (view more)
Best researcher Award 2019 – Research Grant Kurita Water And Environment Foundation (KWEF – JAPAN)
Pada tanggal 30 Agustus 2019, Bayu Taruna Widjaja Putra Ph.D (Kurita AIT Research Grant – KARG Awardee 2017) dari Deparment of Agricultural Engineering Universitas Jember menerima penghargaan sebagai peneliti terbaik dari Indonesia. Sehingga diundang untuk mendapatkan penghargaan dan menyampaikan hasil penelitiannya di Tokyo..... (view more)